UBS launches first onshore fixed-income fund in China

UBS Shanghai
UBS Shanghai

UBS Asset Management has launched the UBS China Ultra Short Income Bond Private Fund Series 1.

04.05.2018, 10:44 Uhr

Redaktion: cwe

UBS Asset Management (Shanghai) has launched its first onshore fixed-income fund: "UBS (CN) China Ultra Short Income Bond Private Fund Series 1", which will now be registered with the Asset Management Association of China.

The new fund utilizes UBS AM's global expertise in liquidity product management and complies with China's new asset management regulations. Brian Lou, Portfolio Manager at UBS AM (Shanghai), will manage the fund. He has ten years' investment experience, with seven years' experience in fixed income.

UBS AM became the first Qualified Domestic Limited Partner license-holder to receive a Private Fund Management license in July 2017. UBS AM launched the first onshore equity fund for local investors in China in November 2017.

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