Umfrage: Euro-Bills erster Schritt zu Euro-Bonds

Das CFA Insitute hat zur umstrittenen Einführung der so genannten Euro-Bills eine Umfrage unter seinen Mitgliedern in der EU und der Schweiz durchgeführt. An der Umfrage haben rund 1000 Anlageprofis teilgenommen.

13.09.2012, 08:20 Uhr

Redaktion: sek

Folgende sind die wichtigsten Resultate der Umfrage des CFA Institutes:

  • The potential role of eurobills: The majority of respondents think that eurobills would be a pertinent first step towards the issuance of longer-term bonds (79%), would facilitate the transmission of euro monetary policy (58%), would help alleviate the current sovereign debt crisis (52%), and would reinforce financial stability in the euro area (50%). However many respondents underline that any commonly issued debt will not cure the structural issues of lack of growth, public deficits and imbalances in competitiveness of many member states.

  • 74% of respondents said that in order for eurobills to be effective, they would need to have a joint and several guarantee, under which each member state would be liable for its share of liabilities as well as the share of any other member state failing to honour its obligations.

  • 63% believe that, on average, eurobills would bear a lower yield than the average yield of nationally issued bills.

Die ausführliche Medienmitteilung zur Umfrage finden Sie hier (Englisch).

Hier finden Sie den kompletten Report zur Umfrage.

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