
Record year for European Asset Managers

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Asset under Management in Europe increased according to EFAMA by 10% in 2017 to EUR 25.2 trillion.

25.09.2018, 08:56 Uhr

Redaktion: ans

The new edition of EFAMA’s Asset Management Report confirms according to Peter De Proft, Director General of EFAMA, asset managers are a key part of the European financial ecosystem: "Through the active management of EUR 25 trillion, they help funding new investment projects and put savings of European citizens to work productively in the economy by investing their money in companies, government and projects, with the aim of generating returns to millions of savers and investors".

Increased AuM in Europe with institutional investors as the largest client category
According to the Report total Assets under Management (AuM) in Europe increased by 10% in 2017 to EUR 25.2 trillion. In relation to GDP, the value of AuM is estimated to have reached 147% at end 2017, up from 102% in 2007. Furthermore Investment funds assets managed in Europe represented EUR 13.1 trillion or 52% of total AuM at end 2017, with discretionary mandates accounting for the remaining EUR 12 trillion or 48%.

Asset managers typically receive mandates from institutional clients, whereas retail investors are generally offered investment funds. Institutional investors represent the largest client category of the European asset management industry, accounting for 71% of total AuM at end 2016. Pension funds and insurance companies accounted for 28% and 25% of total AuM, respectively.
Bond assets accounted for 41% of total AuM at end 2016, compared to 31% for equity assets. The share of equity held in discretionary mandates fell from 35% in 2007 to 24% in 2016. This development contrasts with the evolution of the share of equity held in investment fund portfolio, which returned in 2016 to its level of 2007 (40%).

AuM market shares in Europe are concentrated
Three countries hold a significant market share in assets under management in Europe: the UK (35%), France (17%), Germany (9%) and Switzerland (7%). These high market shares reflect the size of these countries’ economies, their experience in financial services as well as their pool of savings accumulated over the years.

Close to 4,200 asset management companies are operating in Europe. It can be estimated that these companies employ about 110,000 people. Taking into account related services along the asset management value chain, it is estimated that another 500,000 people are indirectly employed in functions servicing the asset management industry.

The Asset Management Report focuses on the value of assets managed by regulated third-party asset managers in Europe, providing detailed data on the location of the asset management activity, the asset owners, the evolution of the asset allocation, and the contribution of the industry in terms of employment. The report is primarily based on data received from EFAMA member associations on the value of the assets managed in their countries at the end of 2016. The report also provides an estimate of the assets managed at end 2017.

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