
Vontobel Fixed Income Livestream

In an increasingly divided world, many of us are looking for safe ground. Government bonds used to mean safety, delivering rock-solid if slightly underwhelming returns. This has changed, so investors are now looking for income elsewhere, which requires them to unfix their thinking and get away from the boundaries of traditional approaches.

Bonds, one of the most diverse asset classes there is, remain as attractive as ever for investors willing to take an active look. Learn more and join our Livestream Event "Fixed Income: unfix your thinking."

Our speakers will provide a market outlook for 2021 and discuss how to navigate the bond markets in a persistently low interest rate environment. They will try to answer the most common investor questions from a fresh perspective, demonstrating that it is still possible to find value and extract alpha from bond investments.

Datum: 10.03.2021, 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr
Organisator: Vontobel
Ort: online
Kosten: kostenlos

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