Nordea: Duration at a good price through attractive spread levels
Expectations that higher interest rates will stabilize even as economic growth is slowing down is causing investors to look for duration in a safe segment of the bond market. Since the ECB has withdrawn from the covered bond market, the attention of new investors to this segment comes at an opportune time. After the repricing caused by quantitative tightening, covered bonds currently offer attractive spread levels, especially compared to government bonds - and often with better ratings and lower default risk.
Portfolio managers on Nordea’s Danish Fixed Income and European Covered Bond team exploit market inefficiencies in the covered bond market to generate alpha with their proven relative value approach. The team has consistently shown over many years that active portfolio management pays off.
Henrik Stille, Portfolio Manager of Nordea’s European Covered Bond Strategies, will discuss how the increased interest rate levels and the ECB's changes in monetary policy are affecting the covered bond market. He will also look at theimpact and opportunities in relation to Nordea’s covered bond and rates products.
Datum: 11.10.2023, 15:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Organisator: Nordea Asset Management
Ort: Online
Zielgruppe: Professionelle Investoren
Kosten: keine