International Structured Products Forum 2023

A roller coaster of emotions – that's one way to describe the recent times on the stock market. Amidst rate hikes, inflation and a variety of uncertainties, the market remains unpredictable. The effects of this unease do not stop at the structured products industry. This makes it all the more important to exchange ideas on how to successfully approach the upcoming investor generations and use modern technology such as AI in the face of diverse market movements. We look forward to discussing this and other industry-shaping topics with many of you at this year's Forum.

With this, we would like to cordially invite you to the 13th International Structured Products Forum in Lucerne, which will take place on 5 and 6 September 2023. This year’s Forum will take place for the first time at the newly opened Mandarin Oriental Palace Hotel. After an extensive renovation, the Mandarin Oriental will offer the Forum state of-the-art premises, comfortably accommodating the growing interest into the Forum.

We are pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Benjamin F. Grewe, Institute of Neuroinformatics UZH/ETH Zurich as a Keynote Speaker. He will be talking about Artificial Intelligence, followed by Dr. rer. publ. HSG August Benz, Deputy CEO Swiss Banking Association, talking about opportunities and challenges in the Swiss financial centre.

Datum: 05.09.2023, 09:00 Uhr - 06.09.2023, 14:00 Uhr
Organisator: SIX
Ort: Mandarin Oriental Palace
Adresse: Haldenstrasse 10, 6002 Luzern
Zielgruppe: Professionelle Investoren
Kosten: 650 Franken

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