
19th Annual Meeting of SFI

From payments all the way to asset management, digitization is transforming finance. Combining academic and business perspectives, the SFI Annual Meeting will host discussions on the trends and implications of digitization in the financial world. Does digitization reduce or increase frictions in the financial system? Can we create a decentralized system of financial intermediation, and is this desirable? How far will generative AI transform finance, and how should we grasp the opportunities and manage the risks?

This year, we are pleased to welcome Prof. David Yermack, Albert Fingerhut Professor of Finance and Business Transformation at New York University Stern School of Business, Päivi Rekonen, Chair of the Board of Directors of AMINA Bank, and Jos Dijsselhof, Chief Executive Officer at SIX as keynote speakers. SFI Prof. Fabian Schär, Professor for Distributed Ledger Technology & Fintech at the University of Basel, will join the panel discussion.

Datum: 27.11.2024, 13:30 - 17:10 Uhr
Organisator: SFI
Ort: Lake Side
Adresse: Bellerivestrasse 170, 8008 Zurich

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