
Women in Sustainable FinTech

The SwissFinTechLadies (SFTL) are honored to start with the welcome from Susan Bincoletto, the Canadian Ambassador to Switzerland. And to enjoy exciting discussions with the speakers about female entrepreneurship, female funding, the soul of tech, about growing your career, and about how to create and scale your business.

Meet the thought leaders from Switzerland and Canada; contribute to SFTL fireside talk with Mihai Alisie, the co-founder of AKASHA Foundation, Ethereum & Bitcoin Magazine, to an exciting keynote about merging innovation and sustainability with Tanya Woods, Founder & Chief Impact Officer of Kind Village, to a joint fire-side-chat with Sandra Chattopadhyay and Olaf Hannemann from GENTWO & CV VC, and to many more great exchange panels.

Datum: 22.10.2019, 13:00 - 21:00 Uhr
Organisator: SwissFinTechLadies
Ort: Trust Square AG
Adresse: Bahnhofstrasse 3, 8001 Zürich
Zielgruppe: Any person female or male supporting the increase of women in sustainable fintech is warmly welcome.
Kosten: CHF 99 (The ticket price includes the individual membership for SwissFinTechLadies for the year)

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