US Challenges: Policy, Price Pressure and Portfolios
US inflation has now reached its highest levels in over 40 years and tightening by the Fed remains a primary market focus. Policy-makers have signaled that restoring price stability remains its main priority, even at the cost of recession. With more rate hikes ahead, and mounting odds of a downturn, how will this effect financial markets? And what impact will the US mid-term congressional elections have on both policy and the markets?
To address these questions, we will be joined by senior macroeconomist from New York-based fixed income boutique MacKay Shields, Steven Friedman, who will share his reflections and expectations.
Datum: 26.10.2022, 10:00 - 10:30 Uhr
Organisator: Nordea Asset Management
Ort: online
Zielgruppe: professionelle Anlegerinnen und Anleger
Kosten: kostenlos