
Updated Meta-index on Financial Regulation - Is Swiss Financial Center Regulation Still Ranked Highest?

Size alone is no longer a unique selling proposition for a financial center. More important is consistent financial center regulation with modern standards for transparency and compliance. The adoption of rules and standards, however, varies between countries. As does the extent to which such rules are enforced. This can complicate efforts to compare and assess financial centers’ reputations and attractiveness.

In February 2020, the Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) launched its Global Financial Regulation, Transparency, and Compliance Index―the GFRTCI. The GFRTCI was constructed by Prof. Alfred Mettler (SFI Adjunct Professor and University of Miami), SFI Prof. Steven Ongena (SFI Senior Chair and University of Zurich URPP Financial Market Regulation), SFI Prof. Christoph Basten (SFI Faculty Member and University of Zurich URPP Financial Market Regulation), Dr. Markus P.H. Bürgi (SFI), and Mrinal Mishra (SFI PhD Student and University of Zurich). A comparison of 31 global leading financial centers showed that the Swiss financial center more than lived up to its good international reputation also in regard to regulatory matters. An update of the index will be published in March 2021. Register now for our video webinar on Wednesday, 17 March 2021 from 18:00 until 19:00h to hear whether Swiss financial center regulation is still the best on the international stage, and what lessons Switzerland can learn from this annual comparison.

The webinar will be moderated by Carolin Roth, CNBC and is free of charge. The webinar will take place in English. Registration is required.

Datum: 17.03.2021, 18:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Organisator: Swiss Finance Institute
Ort: online
Kosten: kostenlos

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