The Value of Gender Diversity
07:40 am Welcome by Jos Dijsselhof, CEO, SIX and Danielle Reischuk, Senior ETFs & ETPs Sales Manager, SIX
08:00 am Presentation on "How Fearless Girl is Reinventing Investing" by Stefanie Ruf, SPDR ETF Sales Specialist, State Street Global Advisors
08:15 am Presentation on "Talent Wins – Preparing Finance for the Future" by Natacha Catalino, Expert Associate Partner & Head Diversity and Inclusion Service Line Europe, McKinsey
09:00 am Q&A
09:15 am Breakfast
Datum: 26.04.2019, 07:40 - 09:15 Uhr
Organisator: SIX
Ort: Zürich
Adresse: SIX ConventionPoint, Pfingstweidstrasse 110, 8005 Zürich
Kosten: free of charge