Swiss Fund Day 2025 / Save the date
The SWISS FUND DAY takes place every year in autumn during an afternoon. It is usually divided into two parts. In the first part some illustrious representatives from operations and IT will present a dedicated topic in line with the overall event theme. In the second part some high-profile people take part in an animated panel discussion followed by a networking-apéro.
Datum: 16.09.2025, 09:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Organisator: Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS)
Ort: AURA Eventsaal, Zürich
Zielgruppe: SWISS FUND DAY has been initiated in 2006 by several representatives of the fund- and asset management industry as a conference platform to present and discuss topics in the area of operations, regulations, information technology, systems and processes. It is dedicated to representatives from the management as well as to specialists from operations and IT.