
Swiss China Legal Capital Market Executive Forum

Kapitalmarktforum Schweiz is going to host a group of Leading Chinese lawyers for one day within a 9 day visit organised by Swiss China Law Association. The goal of this trip and the visit is to promote mutual legal exchange and cross-cultural understanding thus to promote future legal business collaboration. The forum coincides with China’s announcement to launch a new digital currency similar to Facebook’s Libra. There will be two workshops which will be conducted by leading experts from China and Switzerland.

There will be plenty of room for Q&A as well as networking opportunities between expert lawyers from both sides (China and Switzerland) as well as food, drink and personal communication to round up the day.

Datum: 12.11.2019, 09:45 - 17:00 Uhr
Organisator: Kapitalmarktforum Schweiz
Ort: Chainwork
Adresse: Dufourstrasse 43, 8008 Zürich
Kosten: CHF 280

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