Swiss Alternative Investments Forum 2025

The 8th Swiss Alternative Investments Forum offers:

  • Access to world-class experts sharing cutting-edge insights into the evolving investment landscape.
  • Unparalleled discussions on critical legal and tax strategies to optimize your success.
  • A platform that combines high-quality content, renowned speakers, and a commitment to excellence.


14:00 Welcome & Opening
14:05 Keynote Speech: SWISS VC and the Global VC Landscape
14:30 VC Growth Panel: Switzerland Lacks Growth-Capital for Scaleups
15:15 Secondary Fund Investments – Opportunities & Risks?
15:45 Break
16:15 Urban Transformation 2075: How will the Future look like and what Investment Opportunities arise?
17:00 Pension Funds & Alternative Investments
17:45 Legal & Taxation Considerations
18:00 Apéro & Networking

Datum: 04.02.2025, 14:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Organisator: Swiss Capital Market Forum / SECA
Ort: Zunfthaus zur Zimmerleuten
Adresse: Zürich
Kosten: CHF 350

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