NAM talks: Inflation & Rates: Where do we go from here?

Geopolitical waves are rocking markets and the cost of living crisis is hitting people where it hurts. Investors are running scared, but to where? There aren’t many attractive options. In this context, decorrelation from upcoming rates movements and flexibility could be crucial in both credit and duration for fixed-income solutions.

Join our expert Karsten Bierre, Head of Fixed Income Asset Allocation at Nordea’s Multi Assets Team, to hear Nordea’s thoughts about where inflation and rates might be heading and what could be the impact for fixed income markets.

Datum: 18.05.2022, 10:00 - 10:30 Uhr
Organisator: Nordea Asset Management
Ort: online
Zielgruppe: professionelle Anlegerinnen und Anleger
Kosten: kostenlos

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