
Mergers & Acquisitions 2019


8.30 am: Registration and Welcome Coffee

9.00 am: Welcome Address by the Moderator of the Day
Jan Schwalbe Finanz und Wirtschaft

9.15 am: Keynote Interview
Public vs. Private Ownership
Georges Kern Breitling

9.45 am: Panel
Strategic Company Transition Through M&A: Succeeding in a Digital World
Dr. Annabella Bassler, Ringier
André Krause, Sunrise
Boris L. Zaïtra, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.

10.25 am: Impuls
Finding Relevant Assets at the Right Price
Francois-Xavier Roger Nestlé

10.45 am: Coffee and Networking Break

11.15 am: Partner workshops – Cycle 1

  1. Share Purchase Agreements: Latest Developments and Trends
    Stefan Brunnschweiler, CMS
    Dr. Daniel Jenny, CMS
    Dr. Kai Wallisch, CMS
  2. W&I Insurance Solutions in M&A Transactions – Myth or Magic?
    Dr. Alexander Rakosi, CMS
    Pieter van Duijvenvoorde, CMS
    Dr. Stephan Werlen, CMS
  3. Digital Disruption and M&A
    Dr. Martin Frey, PwC Switzerland
    Peter Kasahara, PwC Switzerland

11.55 am: Networking Lunch

1.20 pm: Partner workshops – Cycle 2

2.00 pm: Coffee and Networking Break

2.20 pm: Panel
Best Practice Dealmaking and Transformation: Targeting, Negotiation, Due Diligence and Integration
Dr. Heinz Baumgartner, Schweiter
Gregor Greber, Veraison
Tobias Knechtle, Valora
Patrick Scherrer, Helvetia Insurance AG

3.05 pm: Impulse
The Startup View: A Balancing Act Between Creating Structures and Remaining Flexible
Martin Hoffmann On AG

3.25 pm: Panel
Geopolitical Events and their Implications for M&A Deals
Dr. Markus Braun, School of Management and Law ZHAW
Dr. Patrick Dümmler, Avenir Suisse
Kurt Haerri, Schindler China
Philip Mosimann, Bucher Management AG and Swissmem

4.10 pm: Summary by the Moderator of the Day
Jan Schwalbe Finanz und Wirtschaft

4.30 pm: Networking and Drinks

Datum: 27.08.2019, 08:30 - 16:30 Uhr
Organisator: Finanz und Wirtschaft Forum
Ort: Zürich
Adresse: The Dolder Grand, Kurhausstrasse 65, 8032 Zürich
Kosten: CHF 950.-

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