How aligned are assets with 2° really?

Amandine Favier is leading the Sustainable Finance for WWF Switzerland. She works on projects to improve the environmental performance of financial institutions and the integration of sustainability within investment decisions.

Before joining WWF in 2012, she worked several years for the financial industry in Geneva and Zürich. In her last role at Deutsche Bank Switzerland, she advised Ultra High Net Worth Clients on FX and Commodity structure and option strategies. After her studies, she gathered experienced in international policy and advocacy in Paris and Brussels focusing on sustainable development and corporate social responsibility .

Amandine holds a master in business administration and economics from the Copenhagen Business School and a master in Management from EM-LYON business school. She wrote her master thesis on the link between strategic corporate reactions and environmental regulations.

Datum: 12.09.2019, 18:00 - 20:30 Uhr
Organisator: Women in Sustainable Finance
Ort: Zürich
Adresse: Globalance Bank, Gartenstrasse 16, 8002 Zürich
Kosten: -

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