Greenhouse Event Geneva: Trade war, Brexit, negative rates -  Where do future returns come from?

Escalating trade wars, uncertainty over Brexit and negative rates are making the financial world increasingly complex. Seasoned experts discuss what to keep an eye on and where to look for potential returns going forward:

  • Anastassios Frangulidis, Head of Swiss Multi Asset Pictet Asset Management
  • Stefano Zoffoli, Strategist & Head of Multi Asset Portfolio, Swisscanto Invest by ZKB
  • Philippe Bertschi, Fund Manager Multi Asset Schroders

Datum: 30.09.2019, 16:15 - 18:00 Uhr
Organisator: Asset Management Greenhouse Events
Ort: Credit Suisse Forum Genève
Adresse: 11-19, Rue de Lausanne, 1201 Geneva
Zielgruppe: asset management professionals
Kosten: free of charge

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