Green Fintech Network

The Green Fintech Network is a multi-stakeholder association, originated from a working group of the Swiss State Secretariat for International Finance (SIF). Its members range from of green fintech startups, to promi-nent data providers, banks, academic institutions, and professional service firms. The association aims to boost the green digital finance ecosystem in Switzerland and drive the country’s goal to achieve a global leadership role in sustainable finance.

In our seminar on 5th June 2024, we would like to give you insights into the Green Fintech Network and let you explore the opportunities for cooperation between banks and Green Fintechs. The panel discussion will delve into potential synergies, challenges, and strategies for effective collaboration in advancing sustainable finance.

Subsequently, we will showcase examples of collaborations between banks and Green Fintechs. These real-life case studies will illustrate successful partnerships, innovative solutions, and the tangible impact of joint efforts in driving sustainability in the financial sector.

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming seminar and hope you will have insightful discussions and net-working opportunities.

Datum: 05.06.2024, 09:00 - 11:45 Uhr
Organisator: Schweizerische Bankiervereinigung
Ort: KV Business School Zürich
Adresse: Sihlpostgasse 2, Zurich
Zielgruppe: Professionelle Investoren
Kosten: Ab 150 Franken

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