
GIPS Day 2024

Experienced speakers from the GIPS Expert Group of the Asset Management Association Switzerland will inform you at first hand.

Part I
Part I of the GIPS Day introduces the fundamentals of GIPS compliance, the institutional framework, the performance and risk measurement as well as a practical example of GIPS in daily business. This part is especially aimed at »GIPS Beginners”. Part I participants are automatically also registered for Part II.

Part II
Part II of the GIPS Day provides information on the UBS and Credit Suisse Integration from a GIPS perspective as well as recent developments, key changes and a strategic update. This part is recommended for »GIPS Experts” as well as for »GIPS Beginners”.

Datum: 19.11.2024, 08:45 - 16:15 Uhr
Organisator: Asset Management Association Switzerland
Ort: Hotel Metropol
Adresse: Fraumünsterstrasse 12, 8001 Zürich

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