
Finvest Global Summit 2020

With the heritage of over a decade of producing finance and investment forums, BroadGroup is proud to host the Data Economy Finvest Global Summit for the first time in Zurich, a global city and one of the world’s largest financial centres.

The networking and knowledge sharing event attracts every year investors, private equity, hedge funds, bond specialists, pension funds, property specialists and bankers, as well as the IT infrastructure leadership of data centre, cloud, edge computing and telecoms businesses.

In addition to the Finvest Summit, Data Economy will also held for the second time the Finvest Awards. The accolades will celebrate the best of best in the industry from CFO Of The Year to Edge Investment, Global Financial Leader, Law Firm of the Year, M&A Of The Year, Bank of the Year and more.

Datum: 13.02.2020, 08:30 - 18:00 Uhr
Organisator: BroadGroup
Ort: The Dolder Grand, Zurich
Adresse: Kurhausstrasse 65, 8032 Zürich
Zielgruppe: It's the global flagship summit for finance, investment and site selection executives, location agencies, property specialists, and professional and legal intermediaries across datacenter, cloud and Edge computing.
Kosten: GBP 1'145

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