
Emerging market ESG investing: how active-management strategies can add significant value

Emerging markets are a relatively neglected sphere in the booming market for ESG investment which could represent more than a third of the projected $140.5trn in global assets under management by 2025. However, a growing number of investment professionals are turning to areas less associated with sustainability to seek out value for investors concerned about impact investing – with good reasons. The data show that ESG investment in emerging markets can provide superior returns and reduce the portfolio risk profile.

Join Paulo Salazar, Co-Head of Emerging Markets Equities at Candriam, and Manqing Sun, investment analyst at Scope Analysis in a discussion about navigating innovation and opportunities of ESG investment in Emerging Markets.

Datum: 29.09.2021, 11:00 - 11:45 Uhr
Organisator: Scope Group
Ort: online
Kosten: kostenlos

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