BörsenTalk am Mittag: Crypto Investments

Liberation of Crypto Products - Where are They Headed in 2024?

2024 shapes up to be an exciting year for cryptocurrency investors, with significant events such as the Bitcoin halving or the emergence of spot crypto ETFs. New crypto regulation introduced in Europe (MiCa) and Switzerland (FINMA, effective as of 1.4.2024) opens up new opportunities for product providers and further drives and strengthens the investor case.

What implications will these developments have on your investment strategy? This panel is your opportunity to stay at the forefront of current trends and developments.


  • Giselle Lai, Associate Investment Director, Digital Assets Solutions, Fidelity International
  • Adrian Fritz, Head of Research, 21Shares AG

Datum: 09.04.2024, 12:00 - 13:00 Uhr
Organisator: SIX
Ort: Online

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