
Benjamin Alt on Schroder GAIA II – Specialist Private Equity in Lugano

We will introduce our latest product innovation, the Schroder GAIA II – Specialist Private Equity Fund* that is scheduled for launch at July 31, 2019. Schroder GAIA II – Specialist Private Equity is designed to give clients access to private equity within a semi-liquid evergreen structure.

Benjamin Alt, who will be acting as the lead fund manager, will provide you with valuable insights into this innovative investment opportunity and explain you in all details of the portfolio investment process.

The fund builds upon Schroder Adveq’s specialised private equity investment expertise and over 20 years track record, structured in a form that provides investors with unprecedented investment flexibility and access. It will invest in a global portfolio with a high concentration of secondaries and co-investments.

*The Schroder GAIA II - Specialist Private Equity has not yet been established, its launch is subject to regulatory approval.

Datum: 04.06.2019
Organisator: Schroders
Ort: Lugano
Adresse: Ristorante Grand Café Al Porto, Via Pessina 3, Lugano
Zielgruppe: Professional Investors

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