Stanhope Capital to launch Pan-European Entrepreneurs Fund

Stanhope Capital, an independent asset management firm, announces the launch of a €100 million private equity fund, backed by entrepreneurs, to invest in dynamic European SMEs.

21.11.2017, 09:26 Uhr

Redaktion: sif

In a crowded private equity landscape, the Stanhope Entrepreneurs Fund aims at filling two major gaps: Firstly, the Stanhope Entrepeneurs Fund (SEF) will seek to add true operational expertise to portfolio companies by relying on successful entrepreneurs who will act as "Anchor Investors" to the Fund and when required, active non-executive members of the boards of the portfolio companies. Secondly, the SEF will act as a forum enabling investors to have a say in the selection of portfolio companies and incentivise them to bring attractive deals to the Fund. Overall, the aim is to create a community of like-minded investors, who have a common willingness and skills to back entrepreneurial and growing businesses.

The Fund, that will pursue development capital and buyout deals, will provide investors access to fast growing and established entrepreneurial small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) across Europe and the UK. The Fund will focus on four key sectors – Consumer, Food, Education and Disruptive Services – and will do both majority transactions as well as minority transactions

The SEF will be managed by Stanhope Capital’s private equity team, in collaboration with Anchor Investors. The Stanhope Capital team and the Anchor Investors will be responsible for sourcing transactions, managing the portfolio, and existing investments.

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