Morgan Stanley launches two multi-asset funds

Morgan Stanley Investment Management has announced the launch of two new multi-asset funds, the Morgan Stanley Investment Funds (MS INVF) Global Balanced Fund and the MS INVF Global Balanced Defensive Fund.

25.08.2016, 15:41 Uhr

Redaktion: jog

Morgan Stanley has announced the launch of two new multi-asset funds, the Morgan Stanley Investment Funds (MS INVF) Global Balanced Fund and the MS INVF Global Balanced Defensive Fund.

The underlying investment process for the two funds mirrors that of the existing Global Balanced Risk Control (GBaR) strategy, which is designed to maintain a stable risk profile. The funds are the first in the GBaR suite to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the process.

The chief difference between the funds is their targeted volatility. The Global Balanced Fund targets a volatility range of 4 to 10%. The Global Balanced Defensive Fund has a lower target volatility range of 2 to 6%.

Both funds will be managed by Andrew Harmstone and Manfred Hui in London. "The new funds will be based on our established GBaR process, which in our view is the most effective way for investors to participate in rising markets whilst providing strong downside protection," said Mr. Harmstone, managing director and lead portfolio manager. "We expect the integration of ESG considerations into the process to further improve potential returns and enhance risk management."

"Morgan Stanley Investment Management’s extensive multi-asset capabilities are reinforced by the addition of these two new funds," said Paul Price, global head of Client Coverage, Morgan Stanley Investment Management. "Clients now have greater choice in the implementation of GBaR’s risk-controlled approach and their preferred level of volatility."

The MS INVF Global Balanced Fund and the MS INVF Global Balanced Defensive Fund, registered in Luxembourg, are not yet widely available for sale and are awaiting registration in various markets. They are intended for sophisticated and diversified investors or those who take investment advice.

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