30-year asset class returns forecast

On an annual basis, for a range of asset classes, Schroders Ecomonics Group produces 30-year return forecastes. Schroders now published the update for 2016.

10.03.2016, 14:47 Uhr

Redaktion: sif

In this report Schroders outlines the methodology used, which is based on a series of building blocks and estimates of risk premia, and summarise the key conclusions from their analysis.

Schroder's key points in summary:

  • Cash returns likely to be negative in the near term, owing to the deleveraging process
  • Credit returns are estimated as the excess over sovereigns
  • Equity return forecasts show disparity between emerging markets and developed markets, particularly Japan
  • Strongest returns found in equities, particularly emerging markets and UK small caps, while cash returns are atrocious.

The full in-depth analysis can be found here as a PDF.

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